Sunday, July 15, 2007


Thy heart's sombre emotions,
all the way growing stronger...
a drop now, an ocean then,
it never seems to die.
It calls out, for its aching heart
is melting up, up and away...
So much for the pain!
Wont I meet you again?
An emotional stress, an aesthetic feeling,
something tells me you are around,
to my heart you are duty bound.
Wont thou ever be mine?
Emotion calls from its highest peak,
Love is there, strong but bleak.
Atheist are you, to my feelings?
Ignorant are you, of my pain?
Oh come now!Enough of the game...
Lets start...all over again.
Something seems to die in me,
Something seems to churn.
Ah!the pain it takes,
to go on and on and on...
Oh come now!Enough of the game...
Lets start...all over again...


Sam said...

hey nice poem!! a very hopeful one i must say!!

Dazzy said...

glad u appreciate it..btw, it was written in kodaikanal at 1am in d balcony n' i wasnt sleepy n' freezing...lolz

kartikeya said...

u r becoming more of a poet ....!!!
great one
i llike these showing n telling reality...!!

Dazzy said...

thx kartik...i appreciate ur views

Nothing said...

ummm different poem but a nice well written one..

Anonymous said...

i never knew my sweet sis is so is very optimistic n i like d feel..keep it up

Dazzy said...

@kevin...u rly say sumfin' diff always blushing!!!lolz...thx

Unknown said...

varsha i neva thot u cud write such a poem on d heart's wishes!....very well done!!!!

Dazzy said...

lolz...u dunno anyfin' abt me

Richi Aggarwal said...

Its An Unusual but gripping work! Keep it Up.. Hoping for more to come.

Aditya Kasavaraju said...

Optimistic and hopeful poem!
ur choice of words need a pat on ur bak sis !
keep up the good work !